This time in our resolution world, communication is the thing that must be give great emphasis. Last month, I and my friends was participated with one of MISC programme in UTM Skudai but I unsuspected that it is a good programme to remember and give us many knowledges and skills to be use in our life student or in the world of work.
So today, I am gladly wanted to share with you some of the power tips for presentation that I have got from that programme. From my view, many people have a less confidence and get nervous during presentation. Why? They feel afraid or their audiences look fierce?He3..Actually you can avoid all that by yourself and do you know our confidence level and your mind is influence by physiology? I agree that the first thing that we must change is physiology. So when you want to come in front audiences before present, walk confidently, gives your beautiful smile from your sincere heart, speak confidently and manage your nervous. See? Even at that time your heart beat is very fast, audience will think that you are the best presenter. “Fake it till U make It”….
How you start your presentation? Is that just a common introduction?....You must try to catch your audience’s mind and attention. Try to begin with a blast! So they will more attractive to listen your further presentation.
Futhermore, you must set in your mind when you are in front there you are sharing your knowledge and information with other peoples not performing. So try to share your useful knowledge as much as possible BUT you must remember that your time is limit. End on high note and don’t read from the slide is some way to manage your time perfectly.
The other tip is watch your body language. Don’t be too over and too much shake because some of your audience will not focus on what you present but focus to your body. When you present please don’t just look downwards, you must maintain your eye contact at all times because it can increase your confidence and you seems like get some support from their eyes. What to do if you see you audience not pay attention? Try to interact with audience…ask some question or call for their opinion.
Smile! Smile!...don’t show your dumb or scary face…your smile can express your confident in communicate. Do you know, smile is one of the exercises and can lose some calories..?
Last but not least, to give a power presentation we must practice! Practice! practice! Because practice makes perfect…k..Good luck for your presentation and thank you for your time.
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