Monday, November 21, 2011


Pada 3- 7 oktober lps, aku dah berjaya menghadiri salah 1 kursus yg dianjurkan EIMAS. Namanya kursus Physical and chemical process for effluent treatment system...yang sedihnye, terpakse tgl Adam n papa die seminggu..

Why this course is important?

1)We need to ensure that our water discharge do not contain any hazardous chemical.

2)To fulfill DOE requirement as written in environmental


3) To learn on how we are going to treat our waste water in plant to achieve the standard.

4) Understanding the effect of hazardous chemical to our heal
th and environment.

5) To get deeper on the test method for water sample.

This is the example of water treatment plant that was build in Eimas for training purpose:

Raw material contain chromium, zink & Nickel

pH adjutment tank, coagulation and flocculation tank

Biological treatment tank

Final discharge & Filter press

Antara paticipants kursus ni adalah manager, engineer, executive yang berpengalaman. Aku yg paling junior kt situ dan kurang berpengetahuan berbanding yg lain.

free glitter text and family website at

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